Ventured down to Mountaineer the other day after having a spontaneous urge. Arrived at 11:00am and sat at a new table. I was one of the youngest players, with the average age probably around 50ish. Bought in for $300.00 and never looked back from there. I played tight aggressive, bluffed rarely and got paid all day.
The one hand I wish I got away from went as follows. I was dealt AA in late position, bet $15.00, one caller. flop K84o, caller made it $45.00. I put him on either AK or K?. I call, turn is blank, player pushed for $190.00. I go in tank can only put him on AK because I did not see him playing a set that fast and definately not on a draw. I call and he shows KK. Oh well, I should have known better.
On this particular day the casino was promoting flushes for a chance to win $100.00. If you have a flush whether it is a winner or loser, you get your name in a drawing held every two hours. I had a total of four flushes and won the drawing three times, Wahoo!
I played for 14 hours and netted $1,027.00 which included the drawing winnings. I really like playing there because it seems that people can't help but pay you off when you hold the nuts. In fact, a lot of times I overbet the river because I knew I would get called. It worked like a charm.
I am really learning to get away from trouble flops and sucker draws when I don't have the right odds and that is saving me a lot of chips. I am also playing the player more now instead of just focusing on their hand. It helps win uncontested pots in certain situations because I am being aggressive at the right times.
Thats all for now.