Thursday, January 27, 2011

Me versus Bad Beat Jackpot donkeys

I’m sitting at a table in Detroit’s Motor City Casino after 30 hours(interrupted twice with naps) of grinding it out. The 14 table card room is full because the bad beat jackpots are so off the charts. There are two of them and one is at $150,000.00 for Aces full of Kings versus any better hand. The second one is at $220,000.00 for quads versus quads. You would not believe how many people are playing just to win a jackpot. In fact, that was all anybody would talk about while I was playing. Good luck if you bet so much pre-flop that you scare everyone out of the pot and jeopardize the table’s chance of winning a badbeat. You would have been chastised by a bunch of old people for hours.

Anyways, I wanted to mention a particular hand that topped off a good trip to Motor City. I was dealt 10c10h in fourth position of a full table. UTG opens for $15.00 and I just call to let more players enter and juice up the pot a little. Four players stick around to see a flop of 10d8c4c. The flop is checked to me and I feel like slow playing this one so I check. Surprisingly, seat five bets out $50.00 and everyone else mucks. He has $500.00 in front of him to my $350.00. I think to myself for a minute, do I 3-bet or call? Well, this particular stockbroker type always bet fast in previous hands when he thought he had the best hand and wanted to get players off their draws. I called and checked in the dark knowing full well that if the turn was a safe card, he was going to over bet the pot thinking that I was on a club draw. Boy was I right when he fired out $150.00 after the 6h hit the turn. I tanked to appear unsure of myself and peaked at my cards one last time. “I’m all in”. That was the last thing he was expecting and asked me if I hit my straight. I just looked down and didn’t say a word. He reluctantly called and was beside himself when I tabled my tens. I asked him, “how many outs do you have?”. He said he had very few and mucked his cards when a 3d came on the river. NICE!

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